Your Information
To register your SASSI Online account, first we need to collect some contact information. Your email address will be used as your account username.
Passwords need to be 6-31 characters long and contain 2 non-alphabetic characters. Please be sure to record your password.

Your Organizational Role
  • You should register as a Purchaser only if you are ordering but not administering questionnaires.
  • You should register as a Primary Clinical Contact (PCC) if you will be the clinical contact at your organization who qualifies to administer and interpret questionnaires but you are not responsible for purchasing questionnaires.
  • You should register as BOTH the Purchaser & Primary Clinical Contact if you are performing both roles.

Why does my organization need a PCC?

If your organization is already registered with SASSI Online but you are neither the Purchaser nor Primary Clinical Contact then you should not use this form. Please contact your organization's Primary Clinical Contact and request an invitation into the SASSI Online system. The inviation will make sure your account is properly affiliated with your organization.

Your Organization


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